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제목 교통사고조사계 송영동 조사관님 칭찬합니다.
등록일 2013.09.17 작성자 이**
파일첨부 조회수 2577

Hi I'm victim of car accident in september six two thousand thirteen.
I am an Korean American who came to visit my family in Cheong-Ju city, but I did't expect this accident to happen.  So, I was nerves and worry because the person who hit me saying I was the one who hit her.  However, the police men who's in charge of our case was so much helpful.  He was cool and calm so I was calm and comfortable for the inquiry.  In the end, everything turn out fine because the police men's kine, understanding, swift and amicableness.  He's name is 송영동. 
Thank you very much  상당경찰서 송영동 조사관님.
From Bennett sun kyu.
수정삭제 목록
